Building smart contract on KiteAI

Building & deploying a smart contract on KITE AI

Smart Contract Development

  • Supported Languages (e.g., Solidity)

  • Creating AI-Centric Smart Contracts

Kite provides a suite of contracts and libraries offers a modular, on-chain framework for developers can quickly build decentralized AI marketplaces and data-driven platforms, fostering scalable, secure, and efficient collaboration in a trustless environment:

  • Creating and managing assets: Deploy and govern machine learning models, datasets, agents, and related services.

  • Monetizing resources: Implement flexible fee distribution mechanisms to fairly reward data providers, model creators, and other stakeholders.

  • Ensuring secure governance: Leverage role-based access control for transparent permissioning and trustless collaboration.

  • Streamlining operations: Use factories for easy asset creation, registries for subnet management, and job managers for orchestrating training, deployment, and other tasks.

Building & deploying a smart contract on KITE AI with Remix:

Step 1: Open Remix IDE

  • Navigate to Remix IDE in your browser.

  • Once loaded, you’ll see the file explorer on the left-hand side where you can manage your Solidity files.

Step 2: Create a New File

  • In the Remix file explorer, click the ”+” icon to create a new file.

  • Name your file Counter.sol.

Step 3: Write the Solidity Code

Copy and paste the following Solidity code into your Counter.sol file:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;

contract Counter {
    uint256 public count;

    function increment() public {
        count += 1;

    function decrement() public {
        require(count > 0, "Counter cannot be negative");
        count -= 1;

    function getCount() public view returns (uint256) {
        return count;

This smart contract does the following:

  • Stores a counter: The count variable holds the current value.

  • Provides a getter: Although count is a public variable, the getCount() function is an example of how you can explicitly return data.

  • Allows incrementing: The increment() function increases the counter.

  • Allows decrementing: The decrement() function decreases the counter.

Step 4: Compile the Contract

  • On the left sidebar, click the “Solidity Compiler” tab (the one with the “S” icon).

  • Ensure the compiler version is set to ^0.8.20 version.

  • Click “Compile Counter.sol”.

  • Check the code for typos or version mismatches, if you encounter any errors.

Step 5: Deploy the Contract

  • Switch to the “Deploy & Run Transactions” tab (the Ethereum icon on the left sidebar).

  • Under “Environment”, select “Injected Metamask or WalletConnect”. This will connect Remix to your MetaMask (make sure MetaMask is set to the Kite AI Testnet).

  • Verify that your account is correctly connected.

  • In the “Contract” dropdown, select Counter.

  • Click the “Deploy” button.

  • Confirm the deployment transaction in MetaMask.

  • Once deployed, your contract will appear under “Deployed Contracts”.

Step 6: Interact with Your Contract

  • Expand your deployed Counter contract in Remix.

  • You can call the getCount() function to check the current counter value.

  • Click the “increment” button to call the increment() function and “decrement” button to call the decrement() function. Confirm the transaction in MetaMask.

  • After the transaction is confirmed, call getCount() again to see the updated counter value.

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